Virtual Reality-Based Resilience Training - Reconnecting with Ourselves and Others in virtual Meetings (ROOM)
During times fraught with uncertainties about climate change, economic challenges, and political events, many people have been greatly impacted psychologically. Some may feel anxiety about their place in this world and unsure of what the future holds.
The transition to adulthood is a particularly challenging period of life when stresses related to learning to navigate adult relationships, career choices, and financial independence can become overwhelming at times. As part of a research study, we are offering a 6-week workshop that focuses on teaching techniques that may help young people manage the stress many are struggling with.
We have developed and tested a program that introduces techniques that are known to increase mindfulness, positive mood, compassion, and self-efficacy.
A unique feature of the workshop, called Reconnecting with Ourselves and Others in virtual Meetings (ROOM), is that it will be conducted using virtual reality (VR) technology, which will allow each person who participates to join from their home or anywhere they are, using a VR headset. Each participant will be loaned a VR headset for the duration of the workshop and represented as a virtual character or “avatar” of their choosing in the virtual meeting room (allowing participants to remain anonymous if they prefer). There will be up to 10 workshop participants and two co-leaders attending the workshop.
We have also offered ROOM to healthcare workers: please click here for more information.
If you would like to learn more about our research on our VR-based resilience workshop (ROOM), you can watch this presentation given by Dr. Holt:
“The use of virtual reality to increase resilience and improve mental health.”