Resilience Training Exercises
Mindfulness Exercises
Brief Mindfulness Exercise
This is a brief mindfulness exercise, allowing you to focus on your breathing and stay in the moment.
One-Minute Mindfulness Exercise
This exercise guides you in a one-minute practice of mindfulness that you can do anywhere.
Uncertainty Exercise
This exercise guides you in sitting with the uncertainty that surrounds us during challenging times.
Self-Compassion Exercises
Self-Compassion Break
This video shows Dr. Annie Burke guiding a Self-Compassion Break, which was developed by Chris Germer, PhD. and Kristen Neff, PhD., the co-creators of the Mindful Self-Compassion Program. This exercise walks you through being kind to yourself during a stressful time.
Chris Germer- Self-Compassion Break Extended Version
Chris Germer, Ph.D., the co-creator of Self-Compassion recorded an extended version of his Self-Compassion Break for us.
Additional Resources
Self-Compassion & Meditation
Kristen Neff, Ph.D., has included multiple self-compassion and meditation activities on her website.
UCLA Mindfulness Center
UCLA offers several guided mediation exercises through their Mindfulness Center both in English and Spanish.